MSeqDR News and Progress in Genomic Discovery in Mitochondrial Disease
March 26, 2021 Preclinical Study Shows Combination of Vitamins, Supplements May Benefit Mitochondrial Disease February 22, 2021 gnoMAD shares mtDNA variant data from 56,434 whole genome samples mvTool v.6: The mtDNA variant reference based on 316,530 whole genome sequences January 1, 2021 MSeqDR is migrated to a new webserver at CHLA October 20, 2020 International Research Team Develops Consensus Variant Classification Guidelines for Genomic Variants in Mitochondrial DNA August 24, 2020 mvTool v.5: New report layout and new mtDNA variant data from 200,000 healthy people July 2, 2020 Recent publications from MSeqDR supported by the UMDF and NIH grants ClinGen / ClinVar – MSeqDR Working Groups & Expert Panels June 30, 2020 ClinGen approved the MSeqDR Consortium mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variant Interpretation (SVI) specifications April 29, 2020 U24 Mitochondrial Diseases Expert Panel is establishing 63 genes’ Leigh Disease associations at ClinGen January 27, 2020 MSeqDr joins FAIRsharing – A curated resource on data and metadata standards January 2, 2020 Quick-Mitome version 2 with new annotations, workflow, and tutorial October 1, 2019 Mondo Disease Ontology is coming to MSeqDR, Disease Portal received more disease entries June 12, 2019 MSeqDR to present tutorial workshop for the 5th year at the UMDF Mitochondrial Medicine Symposium May 23, 2019 mvTool v3: Added variant data from 40,000 people, Asians and Sadinians, meta-AF reference, new single variant report January 31, 2019 Leigh Syndrome Resources at November 16, 2018 MSeqDR’s ClinVar style variant submission system supports ClinVar template v4.2 (2018.08) October 17, 2018 MSeqDR mvTool Documentation September 24, 2018 Quick-Mitome is updated with Exomiser V10.1, ID de-identification, WES and WGS data support August 2, 2018 ClinVar style variant submission and curation system version 2 is released July 30, 2018 The “Mitochondrial Disease Variant Curation Expert Panel” by MSeqDR Consortium The “Mitochondrial Disease Gene Curation Expert Panel” by MSeqDR Consortium July 13, 2018 MSeqDR presented the 4th year tutorial workshop, at the UMDF Mitochondrial Medicine Symposium July 1, 2018 MSeqDR has Tripled the LSDB Variants to 11,800 since UMDF 2017 May 2, 2018 New publications on clinical review of mitochondrial disease, in Current Genetic Medicine Reports March 27, 2018 New MSeqDR publication: MSeqDR mvTool: A mitochondrial DNA web and API resource February 7, 2018 New tool set: Quick-Mitome – Phenotype-Guided WES and WGS Variant Interpretation Tool update: mvTool V.2 – mtDNA variant annotation and analysis web-service with API February 5, 2018 Invitation: Join MSeqDR – UMDF Workshop, 06/30/2018 at Mitochondrial Medicine 2018 Mitochondrial biology conferences 2018 September 25, 2017 MSeqDR Gene Panel Examiner and Universal Gene ID Mapper mvTool V2 – Universal mtDNA Variant Converter and One Stop Annotation May 17, 2017 mvTools is updated to latest version of MitoMaps, HmtDB and ClinVar Data February 13, 2017 MSeqDR Admin, Curation, Development Roadmap February 10, 2017 MSeqDR mtDNA Expert Panel Members Added to MSeqDR January 22, 2017 MSeqDR mtDNA Expert Panel Members December 13, 2016 MSeqDR Clinical Tool Portal MSeqDr Project and Dr. Marni Falk are reported in current issue of the CHOP Bench to Bedside monthly online newsletter Expert Panel Recruiting New tool set: Phenotype-Guided Exome Prioritization with HPO and Exomiser MSeqDR – UMDF Workshop, as the concluding program of Mitochondrial Medicine 2016 New MSeqDR Publication in Human Mutation New MSeqDR Publication CSH Molecular Case Studies Designates MSeqDR for Manuscript Variant Submission MSeqDR-Genesis and Dr. Marni Falk are featured in the 2015 CHOP Annual Report December 10, 2016 MSeqDR News
2018-05-02: MSeqDR is switched to a news system based on **MSeqDR Wordpress**. You are welcome to publish updates related to the MSeqDr Consortium and mitochondrial diseases.
Tool update: Gene Panel Examiner V2: MSeqDr Gene Panel Examiner and Universal Gene ID Mapper.
Input HGNC Approved Gene Symbols, Refseq Gene Symbols, Entrez Gene IDs, Ensembl Gene IDs, Refseq Accession, OMIM, UniProt, CCDS, VEGA, or UCSC IDs.
Tool update: MSeqDR mvTool Version 2.0: mtDNA variant annotation and analysis web-service with API
VariantOneStop is updated with dbNSFP v3.4, notably added CADD, M-CAP and REVEL scores, ExAC and 1000Gp3 population allele frequencies, conservation scores enhanced to 100way.
VariantOneStop is updated with population frequency data from Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD), The data set spans 123,136 exomes and 15,496 genomes from unrelated individuals sequenced as part of various disease-specific and population genetic studies.
MSeqDR HPO Browser is enhanced to always show 5 levels in ontology tree, HPO database is updated to 201701 release.
HPO Browser is enhanced to always show 5 levels in tree, rather than the previous 3 levels: Grandparent, parent, self, child, grand child. Terms are shown with full HPO name in grand child.
HPO update to 201701 release is getting significantly more genes for some HPO terms, presumably resulting from increased phenotype-gene-disease association data in HPO data release
More mtDNA Exomes (218) in M1 Exome dataset with mtDNA variants increased from 1316 to 1534.
Expert Panel Recruiting: MSeqDr is organizing an expert panel for mitochondrial diseases and pathogenic variants. Welcome to share your expertise. Please visit the site to see current panel members, tools and documents.
- New Publication:
MSeqDR: A Centralized Knowledge Repository and Bioinformatics Web Resource to Facilitate Genomic Investigations in Mitochondrial Disease
Hum Mutat. 2016 Jun;37(6):540-8. doi: 10.1002/humu.22974. Epub 2016 Mar 21., Pubmed 26919060
Lishuang Shen, Maria Angela Diroma, Michael Gonzalez, Daniel Navarro-Gomez, Jeremy Leipzig, Marie T Lott, Mannis van Oven, Douglas C Wallace, Colleen Clarke Muraresku, Zarazuela Zolkipli-Cunningham, Patrick F Chinnery, Marcella Attimonelli, Stephan Zuchner, Marni J Falk, Xiaowu Gai.
AbstractMSeqDR is the Mitochondrial Disease Sequence Data Resource, a centralized and comprehensive genome and phenome bioinformatics resource built by the mitochondrial disease community to facilitate clinical diagnosis and research investigations of individual patient phenotypes, genomes, genes, and variants. A central Web portal ( integrates community knowledge from expert-curated databases with genomic and phenotype data shared by clinicians and researchers. MSeqDR also functions as a centralized application server for Web-based tools to analyze data across both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, including investigator-driven whole exome or genome dataset analyses through MSeqDR-Genesis. MSeqDR-GBrowse genome browser supports interactive genomic data exploration and visualization with custom tracks relevant to mtDNA variation and mitochondrial disease. MSeqDR-LSDB is a locus-specific database that currently manages 178 mitochondrial diseases, 1,363 genes associated with mitochondrial biology or disease, and 3,711 pathogenic variants in those genes. MSeqDR Disease Portal allows hierarchical tree-style disease exploration to evaluate their unique descriptions, phenotypes, and causative variants. Automated genomic data submission tools are provided that capture ClinVar compliant variant annotations. PhenoTips will be used for phenotypic data submission on deidentified patients using human phenotype ontology terminology. The development of a dynamic informed patient consent process to guide data access is underway to realize the full potential of these resources.
- New Publication:
COMMENTARY: From case studies to community knowledge base: MSeqDR provides a
platform for the curation and genomic...the Mitochondrial
Disease Sequence Data Resource (MSeqDR; ). This
multidimensional data resource aims...
- Authors: Marni J. Falk,
Lishuang Shen, Xiaowu Gai
- Project Update: CSH
Molecular Case Studies Designates MSeqDR for Manuscript Variant Submission. will serve as a permanent site to host the pathogenic
variants associated with manuscripts to "CSH Molecular Case
Novel disease genes and variants can be added to MSeqDR-LSDB.
A custom MSeqDR accession number is assigned to all annotated
pathogenic variants that are either submitted by users or batch
extracted from other databases such as ClinVar or Ensembl, each
containing a unique MSCV (MSeqDR Clinically-related Variant)
identifier with a 7-digit code. Users can readily submit
variants, in either VCF or HGVS formats, using the custom
MSeqDR ‘Pathogenic variant submission tool’
- Project Update:
MSeqDR-Genesis and Dr. Marni Falk are featured in the 2015
CHOP Annual Report, The Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia .
It's also highlighted in the CSO's last bullet point:
"Find out how a curious researcher contemplating a seemingly
unsolvable patient case can reach out to another investigator on
the opposite side of the world studying a patient with a similar
genetic makeup. Working together, in a matter of minutes they
can pinpoint the genetic mutations that may explain the rare
disease that their patients have in common".
- Project Update: Live Demo Workshop at SIMD'15
The workshop achieved surprisingly high turnout and received
nice feedbacks.
70 clinicians, scientists and genetic counselors, from over
worldwide institutes and hospitals, registered and attended
the workshop.
the attendees' comments (survey)
- Project Update: Live Demo Workshop at SIMD 2015
The participants at the Society
of Inherited Metabolic Disease (SIMD) Meeting in Salt Lake
City, Utah are invited to to join us for a "FIRST-EVER" hands-on
tutorial for MSeqDR/ and related matchmaker exchange
Speaker: Dr. Marni Falk, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Location: Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah
Time: MONDAY 3/30/15 from 12:30-2PM.
The full address: 555 South Main Street Salt Lake City,
Utah 84111.
- Publication:
paper describing another tool developed by MSeqDR project is
accepted for publication:
Phy-Mer: a novel
alignment-free and reference-independent mitochondrial
haplogroup classifier. Bioinformatics 2014: btu825v1-btu825, Pubmed 25505086.
Navarro-Gomez, Jeremy Leipzig, Lishuang Shen, Marie Lott,
Alphons P.M. Stassen, Douglas C. Wallace, Janey L. Wiggs,
Marni J. Falk, Mannis van Oven, and Xiaowu Gai
- Project Update:
Phy-Mer, MSeqDR's own
haplogroup classifier tool is running as web-based service in
MSeqDR. Phy-Mer is a novel alignment-free and
reference-independent tool, and it supports input in fasta,
fastq, bam, csv formats.
- Project Update:
LSDB is upgraded to LOVD 3.0.12, which restored the gene and
variant creation funtions that rely on Mutalyzer webservice.
- Publication:
first paper describing the MSeqDR Project is accepted for
Mitochondrial Disease Sequence
Data Resource (MSeqDR): A global grass-roots consortium to
facilitate deposition, curation, annotation, and integrated
analysis of genomic data for the mitochondrial disease
clinical and research communities.
Falk MJ, Shen L,
Gonzalez M, Leipzig J, Lott MT, Stassen AP, Diroma MA,
Navarro-Gomez D, Yeske P, Bai R, Boles RG, Brilhante V,
Ralph D, DaRe JT, Shelton R, Terry SF, Zhang Z, Copeland
WC, van Oven M, Prokisch H, Wallace DC, Attimonelli M,
Krotoski D, Zuchner S, Gai X.
Mol Genet Metab.
2015 Mar;114(3):388-396. doi:
10.1016/j.ymgme.2014.11.016. Epub 2014 Dec 4. pii:S1096-7192(14)00377-1. doi:
10.1016/j.ymgme.2014.11.016., Pubmed 25542617, Draft,Fig1 Fig2A
- Publication:
MToolBox: a highly automated pipeline for heteroplasmy
annotation and prioritization analysis of human mitochondrial
variants in high-throughput sequencing. Bioinformatics. 2014 Nov 1;30(21):3115-7, Pubmed
Calabrese C,
Simone D, Diroma MA, Santorsola M, Guttà C, Gasparre G,
Picardi E, Pesole G, Attimonelli M.
- Project Update:
MToolBox, Haplogroup
classifier tool is running as web-based service in MSeqDR.
MToolBox supports input in fasta, fastq, and bam/sam formats.
- Project Update:
: The major mitochondrial DNA breakpoints database, shared
well-curated data for 805 mitochondrial DNA deletions and 44
duplications with pathogenic annotations. The data can be viewed
as GBrowse track "MitoBreak DNA Breakpoints". Dr. Filipe Pereira; Joana Damas, University
of Porto, Portugal
- Project Update:
A human mitochondrial genome database, shared ~10,300 manually
curated polymorphisms and mutations in human mitochondrial DNA,
including 580 with pathogenicity annotations. Lead by Dr. Doug Wallace, and manually curated by Marie
- Project Update:
MT.AT : Dr. Fons Stassen from Maastricht University,
Netherland, Develops a new mtDNA Variant Annotation Tool for
haplogroup analysis with samples, experiments and variants.
- Project Update:
MSeqDR server is migrated to MEEI, Harvard University. A new
domain name for the project: https:/
Human Phenotype Ontology support is being implemented. Search by
accession# or keywords at: HPO Search, and at
top search box (prefix keywords with "PH:").
- Project Update:
Two major variation tracks are added. The were provided by HmtDB
Project lead by Dr. Marcella Attimonelli. HmtDB is a Human
Mitochondrial Genomic Resource Based on Variability Studies
Supporting Population Genetics and Biomedical Research.
The data are derived from a pool of 1000 healthy and about
2000 patient genomes annotated in HmtDB. The tracks have been
produced according to rCRS and RSRS.
The HBCR annotation is updated to dbSNP138.
- Project Update:
, the Mitochondrial Disease Locus Specific Database, is open
to the public. It is a major effort in promoting information
integration and sharing.
This LSDB is integrating phenotyping and variation data from
multiple comprehensive or disease specific resources, including
clinVar, MITOMAP, Ensembl phenotype, and OMIM. It will focus on genes
involved in mitochondrial diseases, whose products are located
in mitochondrian, and mitochondrial genome. The clinical,
genetics, and variants information will be available. The LSDB
is based on LOVD (v3.0.08)
with extensive in-house customizations and enhancements.
- Project Update: Phenotype
associated variants are added as new tracks in Gbrowse, and
available from our new MSeqDR-LSDB. The
information were compiled from clinVar, MITOMAP , and Ensembl .
- Project Update: HBCR: Human BP Codon
Resource Variant Annotation Pipeline @ MSeqDR in online. It can
handle up to 1 million variants per hour. It accepts VCF format
and tabbed text format input. Please try out.
- Project Update: We
are delighted that the aggregated variantion data for NuclearMitome
Comprehensive Sequence Analysis of 448 Nuclear Mitochondrial
Genes from Transgenomic
Inc., is available at MSeqDR. Interested users please
contact the company for access request. The dataset has ~108K
variants from 151 patients, targeting 448 candidate genes for
mitochondrial disease.
- Project Update: WebEx
discussion between MSeqDR, MITOMAP
and HmtDB on
collaborating in bring together tools and data for
mitochondrial research.
- Project Update: MSeqDR
monthly WEBEX meeting.
- Project Update: MSeqDR
monthly WEBEX meeting.
- Project Update: CRAs
now active with: Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky (McMaster), Drs. Richard
Rodenburg and Jan Smeitink (Netherlands), Dr. Marcella
Attimonelli (Italy), Dr. Michio Hirano (Columbia), Dr. Jeana
DaRae and David Ralph (Transgenomic).
- Project Update: MSeqDR
server is upgraded from development server to powerful
production server: 24 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430 processors @
2.20GHz, 32 GB memory.
- Project Update: MSeqDR
CHOP-Transgenomic collaborative research agreement completed.
- Project Update: MSeqDR
monthly WEBEX meeting.
- Data Access: dbSNP137
SNPs and effect annotation, 1000 Genome variants, Hapmap
variants uploaded to MSeqDR Gbrowse .
- Data Access: Mitomap
variants and disease associations, mitoCarta, GeneDX data
incorporated in MSeqDR Gbrowse .
- Data Update:
HBCR annotation is completed for
MSeqDR exome variants. 1010 exomes samples were included in
this release.
- Data Access: MSeqDR
Gbrowse server running. MSeqDR Exome variants and
annotations loaded. Ensembl human gene annotations and EVS
exome data loaded.
- Project Update:
MSeqDR monthly WEBEX meeting.
- Project Update:
New MSeqDR team member Lishuang Shen started working
for the development.
- Project Update:
MSeqDR project funding.
- Project Update:
MSeqDR: Mitochondrial Disease Sequence Data Resource
Consortium was initiated at Annual Meeting of the United
Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (UMDF).