MSeqDR Mitochondrial Disease Portal

*:HP: HPO terms, ND: NAMDC terms.
  Most Studied  CPEO, Complex I Deficiency, COXPD1, Leigh, LHON, MELAS, MERRF, NARP, SANDO
Disease Browser
Parent Node:
malignant testicular germ cell tumor (MONDO:0003510)
Parent Node:
mixed germ cell tumor (MONDO:0015864)
..Starting node
mixed testicular germ cell cancer ()

       Child Nodes:
........expandchildhood testicular mixed germ cell tumor ()

 Sister Nodes: 
..expandmixed extragonadal germ cell cancer ()
..expandmixed germ cell tumor of vulva ()
..expandmixed teratoma and seminoma ()
..expandmixed testicular germ cell cancer ()
..expandovarian mixed germ cell neoplasm ()
..expandteratocarcinoma ()

MONDO is developed by the Monarch Initiative. Human Disease MESH is developed by UMLS.
Further data from MedGen, OMIM,ClinVar, CTD
Term ID:3120
Name:mixed testicular germ cell cancer
Definition:A malignant germ cell tumor that arises from the testis and is characterized by the presence of more than one histologic component. Representative examples include mixed choriocarcinoma and embryonal carcinoma, mixed embryonal carcinoma and seminoma, and mixed yolk sac tumor and teratoma.
Alternative IDs:
Synonyms:mixed germ cell neoplasm of testis; mixed germ cell neoplasm of the testis; mixed germ cell tumor; mixed germ cell tumor of testis; mixed germ cell tumor of the testis; mixed testicular germ cell tumor; testicular germ cell tumor (mixed); testicular mixed germ cell neoplasm; testicular mixed germ ce
Slim Mappings:
Reference: MedGen:
Disease Causing ClinVar Variants
MSeqDR Portal