MSeqDR Mitochondrial Disease Portal

*:HP: HPO terms, ND: NAMDC terms.
  Most Studied  CPEO, Complex I Deficiency, COXPD1, Leigh, LHON, MELAS, MERRF, NARP, SANDO
Term ID:18166
Name:oral submucous fibrosis
Definition:Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is a chronic, progressive disease that alters the fibroelasticity of the oral submucosa, prevalent in India and Southeast Asia but rare elsewhere, and characterized by burning and pain in the oral cavity, loss of gustatory sensation, the presence of blanched fibrous bands and stiffening of the oral mucosa and oro-pharynx (leading to trismus and a progressive reduction in mouth opening) and an increased risk of developing oral squamous cell cancer (3-19%). It is usually associated with the chewing of the areca nut (an ingredient in betel quid) but the exact etiology is unknown and there is currently no effective treatment.
Alternative IDs:
Synonyms:oral cavity submucous fibrosis; oral submucosal fibrosis; oral submucosal fibrosis, including of tongue; OSMF
Slim Mappings:
Reference: MedGen:
Disease Causing ClinVar Variants
MSeqDR Portal