MSeqDR Mitochondrial Disease Portal

*:HP: HPO terms, ND: NAMDC terms.
  Most Studied  CPEO, Complex I Deficiency, COXPD1, Leigh, LHON, MELAS, MERRF, NARP, SANDO
Could not execute query 3
SELECT t5.Variation_Name, t5.GeneID, t5.GeneSymbol, t5.ClinicalSignificance, t5.dbSNP, t5.RCVaccession, t5.TestedInGTR, t5.PhenotypeIDs, t5.Chromosome, t5.Start, t5.Stop, t5.HGVS_c, t5.HGVS_p, t5.HGVS_g, t5.OtherIDs, t5.Diseases as Disease_ClinVar FROM gb_exome.clinvar_variation_v2_latest as t5 WHERE Assembly ='GRCh37' AND (t5.PhenotypeIDs like '%:520100%' OR t5.otherIDs like '%OMIM Allelic Variant:520100%' ) ORDER by GeneSymbol, t5.ClinicalSignificance LIKE 'Patho%' DESC, t5.ClinicalSignificance LIKE '%likely pathog%' DESC, start <1,start;
Term ID:10786
Name:chronic diarrhea with villous atrophy
Definition:Chronic diarrhea with villous atrophy is a rare, genetic gastroenterological disease characterized by the early onset of chronic diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, lactic acidosis, renal insuficiency and hepatic involvement (mild elevation of liver enzymes, steatosis, hepatomegaly). Partial villous atrophy (with eosinophilic infiltration) is observed on intestinal biopsy. Although diarrhea may resolve, the development of neurologic symptoms (cerebellar ataxia, sensorineural deafness, seizures), retinitis pigmentosa and muscle weakness may complicate disease course and lead to death. There have been no further descriptions in the literature since 1994.
Alternative IDs:520100
Synonyms:diarrhea, chronic, with villous atrophy
Slim Mappings:
Reference: MedGen:
OMIM: 520100;
MSeqDR LSDB: 00164;  