Hearing Loss Disease Portal

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Most Common: Hearing Loss (D034381), Deafness (D003638), Sensorineural HL (D006319), Waardenburg Syndrome, Usher Syndromes
Term ID:7611
Name:Myelinolysis, Central Pontine
Definition:A demyelinating condition affecting the PONS and characterized clinically by an acute progressive QUADRIPLEGIA; DYSARTHRIA; DYSPHAGIA; and alterations of consciousness. Pathologic features include prominent demyelination in the central PONS with sparing of axons and neurons. This condition is usually associated with systemic disorders such as HYPONATREMIA; chronic ALCOHOLISM; LIVER FAILURE; severe BURNS; malignant NEOPLASMS; hemorrhagic PANCREATITIS; HEMODIALYSIS; and SEPSIS. The rapid medical correction of hyponatremia has been cited as a cause of this condition. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp1125-6)
Alternative IDs:
TreeNumbers:C10. |C10.314.500 |C18.452.132.560
Synonyms:Central Pontine Myelinoclasis |Central Pontine Myelinolysis |Extrapontine Myelinoclases |Extrapontine Myelinoclasis |Extrapontine Myelinolyses |Extrapontine Myelinolysis |Myelinoclases, Extrapontine |Myelinoclasis, Central Pontine |Myelinoclasis, Extrapontine |My
Slim Mappings:Metabolic disease|Nervous system disease
Reference: MedGen: D017590
MeSH: D017590

Disease Causing ClinVar Variants