Hearing Loss Disease Portal

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Most Common: Hearing Loss (D034381), Deafness (D003638), Sensorineural HL (D006319), Waardenburg Syndrome, Usher Syndromes
Term ID:11535
Name:Vascular Remodeling
Definition:The active alterations of vascular wall structures, often leading to elevated VASCULAR RESISTANCE. It is associated with AGING; ATHEROSCLEROSIS; DIABETES MELLITUS; HYPERTENSION; PREGNANCY; PULMONARY HYPERTENSION; and STROKE, but is also a normal part of EMBRYOGENESIS.
Alternative IDs:
TreeNumbers:C23.300.977 |C23.550.918
Synonyms:Arterial Remodeling, Pulmonary |Arterial Remodelings, Pulmonary |Pulmonary Arterial Remodeling |Pulmonary Arterial Remodelings |Remodeling, Pulmonary Arterial |Remodelings, Pulmonary Arterial |Remodelings, Vascular |Remodeling, Vascular |Vascular Remodelings
Slim Mappings:Pathology (anatomical condition)|Pathology (process)
Reference: MedGen: D066253
MeSH: D066253

Disease Causing ClinVar Variants