Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) Resources at MSeqDR.org

I. General Introduction

Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON, OMIM# 535000) presents in midlife and mainly characterized by bilateral, painless subacute loss of central vision during young adult life. LHON is transmitted by maternal inheritance, and affects approximately 1:50,000 people.

Synonyms of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy:

  • hereditary optic neuroretinopathy
  • Leber hereditary optic atrophy
  • Leber optic atrophy
  • Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy
  • Leber's optic atrophy
  • Leber's optic neuropathy
  • LHON

There is a LHON With Dystonia subtype ( Marsden syndrome, OMIM# 50001).

Only approximately 50% of male and 10% of female mutation carriers develop symptoms (Newman, 2002). There are inconclusive findings from genealogic data suggest that more males than females in the maternal lineages have optic atrophy. The phenotype-only locus is OMIM# 308905, susceptibility (modifier) to leber optic atrophy (Location Xp11).

LHON has been associated with missense mtDNA mutations that can act autonomously or in association with each other to cause the disease. The three primary mitochondrial DNA LHON-causing mutations are m.11778G>A (69% patients), m.3460G>A(13% patients), and m.14484T>C(14% patients), which account for over 90% of LHON patients. The most common LHON-causing mutation is m.11778G>A. The penetrance (chance of a carrier to lose vision) order is for m.3460G>A, m.11778G>A and the least is for m.14484T>C. There are reports regarding the heteroplasmy and penetrance of LHON.

II. LHON Gene Cards (Add more LHON diseases genes associations to work list)

  Known LHON Genes:
  Mutation in the ATP synthase 6 gene MT-ATP6,
  Mutation in the mitochondrial complex I: MT-ND1, MT-ND2, MT-ND3, MT-ND4 MT-ND4L, MT-ND5, MT-ND6
  Mutation in the mitochondrial complex III: MT-CO3, MT-CYB,
  Mutation in the mitochondrial complex IV: MT-CO1

III. Pathogenic variant submission, using VCF/HGVS input format, then manage and complete annotations per variant.


IV. LHON (OMIM# 535000):

Name: Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber
Definition: A maternally linked genetic disorder that presents in mid-life as acute or subacute central vision loss leading to central scotoma and blindness. The disease has been associated with missense mutations in the mtDNA, in genes for Complex I, III, and IV polypeptides, that can act autonomously or in association with each other to cause the disease. (from Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Omim/, MIM#535000 (April 17, 2001))
Alternative IDs: OMIM:308905|OMIM:535000
ParentIDs: MESH:D015418|MESH:D028361
TreeNumbers: C10.292.700.225.500.400 |C10.574.500.662.400 |C11.270.564.400 |C11.640.451.451.400 |C16.320.290.564.400 |C16.320.400.630.400 |C18.452.660.670
Synonyms: Disease, Leber’s |Diseases, Leber’s |Hereditary Optic Neuroretinopathies |Hereditary Optic Neuroretinopathy |Leber Disease |Leber Hereditary Optic Atrophy |Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy |LEBER HEREDITARY OPTIC NEUROPATHY, MODIFIER OF |Leber Optic Atrophy |Leb
Slim Mappings: Eye disease|Genetic disease (inborn)|Metabolic disease|Nervous system disease
Reference: MedGen: D029242
MeSH: D029242
OMIM: 53500;

MSeqDR LSDB: LHON 00072; LDYT 00149;  

Genes:(Add more LHON disease-gene associations to MSeqDR)
  Mutation in the ATP synthase 6 gene MT-ATP6,
  Mutation in the mitochondrial complex I: MT-ND1, MT-ND2, MT-ND4, MT-ND4L, MT-ND5, MT-ND6
  Mutation in the mitochondrial complex III: MT-CO3, MT-CYB,
  Mutation in the mitochondrial complex IV: MT-CO1
- Mitochondrial [SNOMEDCT: 312239001, 75056005] [UMLS: C0887941, C0026237 HPO: HP:0001427] [HPO: HP:0001427 UMLS: C0887941]

- Blurred/cloudy vision (acute phase) [UMLS: C3275687]
- Centrocecal scotoma (acute phase) [UMLS: C1838881] [HPO: HP:0000576 UMLS: C0271196]
- Central retinal vessel vascular tortuosity (acute phase) [UMLS: C1838882] [HPO: HP:0007768 UMLS: C4021569]
- Circumpapillary telangiectatic microangiopathy (acute phase) [UMLS: C1838883]
- Swelling of retinal nerve fiber layer (acute phase) [UMLS: C1838884]
- Optic atrophy (chronic phase) [UMLS: C1838885] [HPO: HP:0000648 UMLS: C0029124]
- Vision loss (chronic phase) [UMLS: C3275688] [HPO: HP:0000572 UMLS: C3665386]
- Cardiac arrhythmia [SNOMEDCT: 698247007] [ICD10CM: I49.9] [ICD9CM: 427, 427.9] [UMLS: C0003811, C1560249 HPO: HP:0011675] [HPO: HP:0011675 UMLS: C0003811, C0264886, C0522055, C0855329, C1832603, C1842820]

- Nonspecific myopathy [UMLS: C1838887]

Central Nervous System
- Postural tremor [SNOMEDCT: 56610005] [UMLS: C0234378 HPO: HP:0002174] [HPO: HP:0002174 UMLS: C0234378]
- Movement disorders [SNOMEDCT: 60342002] [UMLS: C0026650 HPO: HP:0100022]
- Multiple sclerosis-like illness (516003.0001)
- Spastic dystonia [UMLS: C1838879]
- Ataxia [SNOMEDCT: 39384006, 85102008, 20262006] [ICD10CM: R27.0] [ICD9CM: 438.84] [UMLS: C0004134, C1135207, C0007758, C4554639 HPO: HP:0010867, HP:0001251] [HPO: HP:0001251 UMLS: C0007758]
Peripheral Nervous System
- Peripheral neuropathy [SNOMEDCT: 302226006, 42658009] [ICD10CM: G64] [ICD9CM: 350-359.99] [UMLS: C0031117, C4721453 HPO: HP:0000759, HP:0009830, HP:0001271] [HPO: HP:0009830 UMLS: C0031117, C0442874]


V. LHON subtype Marsden syndrome (OMIM# 500001):

Name: Marsden syndrome
Alternative IDs:  
ParentIDs: MESH:D004421|MESH:D029242
TreeNumbers: C10.292.700.225.500.400/C536024 |C10.574.500.662.400/C536024 |C10.597.350.300/C536024 |C11.270.564.400/C536024 |C11.640.451.451.400/C536024 |C16.320.290.564.400/C536024 |C16.320.400.630.400/C536024 |C18.452.660.670/C536024 |C23.888.592.350.300/C536024
Synonyms: Dystonia, familial, with visual failure and striatal lucencies |Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy With Dystonia
Slim Mappings: Eye disease|Genetic disease (inborn)|Metabolic disease|Nervous system disease|Signs and symptoms
Reference: MedGen: C536024
MeSH: C536024

MSeqDR LSDB: LDYT 00149 

Genes:(Add more LHON disease-gene associations to MSeqDR)
  Mutation in the mitochondrial complex I: MT-ND1, MT-ND3, MT-ND4, MT-ND6
Phenotypes: OMIM Clinical Synopsis  
MSeqDR Portal  

VI. Disease Causing Variants from ClinVar (Submit more pathogenic variant to MSeqDR):

Variant GeneID GeneSymbol Clinical Significance dbSNP RCVaccession PhenotypeIDs
m.8686T>C 4508 MT-ATP6 not provided -1 RCV000709918; RCV000709918; RCV000709918; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:CN043634; MedGen:C1328349,OMIM:551500, Orphanet:ORPHA644
m.9101T>C 4508 MT-ATP6 Pathogenic 199476134 RCV000010277; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.7444G>A 4512 MT-CO1 Pathogenic 199474822 RCV000010300; RCV000010301; RCV000010299; MedGen:C1838854,OMIM:580000, Orphanet:ORPHA168609; MedGen:C3151897,OMIM:500008; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.9438G>A 4514 MT-CO3 Pathogenic 267606611 RCV000010286; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.9804G>A 4514 MT-CO3 Conflicting interpretations of pathogenicity 200613617 RCV000010287; RCV000756352; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:CN517202
m.14831G>A 4519 MT-CYB Pathogenic 199795644 RCV000055706; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.15257G>A 4519 MT-CYB Conflicting interpretations of pathogenicity 41518645 RCV000010312; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.15437G>A 4519 MT-CYB Uncertain significance 878853058 RCV000764855; RCV000764855; RCV000224435; MedGen:C0162671,OMIM:540000, Orphanet:ORPHA550,SNOMED CT:39925003; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:CN517202
m.15812G>A 4519 MT-CYB Pathogenic 200336777 RCV000010313; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.3376G>A 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 397515612 RCV000056167; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.3394T>C 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 41460449 RCV000010375; RCV000507319; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:CN517202
m.3460G>A 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 199476118 RCV000010370; RCV000143998; RCV000735416; RCV000757484; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:C0023264,OMIM:256000, Orphanet:ORPHA506,SNOMED CT:29570005; na; MedGen:CN517202
m.3635G>A 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 397515507 RCV000055707; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.3697G>A 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 199476122 RCV000010385; RCV000010386; RCV000056168; MedGen:C0162671,OMIM:540000, Orphanet:ORPHA550,SNOMED CT:39925003; MedGen:C1839040,OMIM:500001; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.3700G>A 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 397515508 RCV000415448; RCV000055708; RCV000415448; RCV000415448; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0000512,MedGen:C0476397; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001138,MedGen:C3887709; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0000572,MedGen:C3665
m.3733G>A 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 199476125 RCV000010389; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.4025C>T 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 397515509 RCV000055709; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.4136A>G 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 199476121 RCV000010378; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.4160T>C 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 199476119 RCV000010372; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.4171C>A 4535 MT-ND1 Pathogenic 28616230 RCV000010384; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.4216T>C 4535 MT-ND1 Conflicting interpretations of pathogenicity 1599988 RCV000010373; RCV000709875; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:CN517202
m.4640C>A 4536 MT-ND2 Pathogenic 387906426 RCV000010366; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.4917A>G 4536 MT-ND2 Uncertain significance 28357980 RCV000010364; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.5244G>A 4536 MT-ND2 Pathogenic 199476115 RCV000010365; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.10237T>C 4537 MT-ND3 Pathogenic 1556423787 RCV000055695; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.11253T>C 4538 MT-ND4 Pathogenic 200145866 RCV000055696; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.11360A>G 4538 MT-ND4 Uncertain significance 878928689 RCV000764854; RCV000626558; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001250,MedGen:C0036572
m.11696G>A 4538 MT-ND4 Pathogenic 200873900 RCV000010356; RCV000055697; MedGen:C1839040,OMIM:500001; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.11778G>A 4538 MT-ND4 Pathogenic 199476112 RCV000010354; RCV000224219; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:CN517202
m.10663T>C 4539 MT-ND4L Pathogenic 1556423844 RCV000010353; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.12338T>C 4540 MT-ND5 Pathogenic 201863060 RCV000022893; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.12811T>C 4540 MT-ND5 Uncertain significance 199974018 RCV000055698; RCV000507393; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:CN517202
m.12848C>T 4540 MT-ND5 Pathogenic 267606899 RCV000010350; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.13045A>C 4540 MT-ND5 Pathogenic 267606895 RCV000010340; RCV000010341; RCV000010342; MedGen:C0162671,OMIM:540000, Orphanet:ORPHA550,SNOMED CT:39925003; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:C1838951
m.13637A>G 4540 MT-ND5 Pathogenic 200855215 RCV000055699; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.13708G>A 4540 MT-ND5 Conflicting interpretations of pathogenicity 28359178 RCV000010336; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.13730G>A 4540 MT-ND5 Pathogenic 387906425 RCV000010337; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.14279G>A 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 869025187 RCV000055705; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.14325T>C 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 397515505 RCV000055700; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.14459G>A 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 199476105 RCV000010326; RCV000010327; RCV000144019; RCV000010328; MedGen:C1839040,OMIM:500001; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:C0023264,OMIM:256000, Orphanet:ORPHA506,SNOMED CT:29570005; MedGen:C1838951
m.14482C>A 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 199476108 RCV000010332; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.14482C>G 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 199476108 RCV000055701; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.14484T>C 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 199476104 RCV000010325; RCV000144018; RCV000223709; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003; MedGen:C0023264,OMIM:256000, Orphanet:ORPHA506,SNOMED CT:29570005; MedGen:CN517202
m.14495A>G 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 199476106 RCV000010330; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.14498T>C 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 869025186 RCV000055702; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.14568C>T 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 397515506 RCV000055703; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.14596A>T 4541 MT-ND6 Pathogenic 387906424 RCV000010329; RCV000055704; MedGen:C1839040,OMIM:500001; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003
m.3275C>T 4567 MT-TL1 Uncertain significance 1057516057 RCV000408928; RCV000408950; RCV000408938; RCV000408938; RCV000408938; RCV000408925; RCV000408938; RCV000408950; MedGen:C0424605; MedGen:C0424605; MedGen:C0016059; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001397,MedGen:C2711227; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0012115,MedGen:C0019158; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003;
NM_001166159.1(NDUFS2) :c.268G>A (p.Ala90Thr) 4720 NDUFS2 Pathogenic 1553249704 RCV000625868; Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112,MedGen:C0917796,OMIM:535000, Orphanet:ORPHA104,SNOMED CT:58610003

  VII. LHON Pseudo Cases:

  1. 28314831___1 - MS01001288 ;   2. 28314831___2 - MS01001299 ;   3. 28314831___3 - MS01001308 ;   4. 28314831___4 - MS01001309 ;   5. 28314831___5 - MS01001310 ;   6. 28314831___6 - MS01001311 ;   7. 28314831___7 - MS01001312 ;   8. 28314831___8 - MS01001313 ;   9. 28314831___9 - MS01001314 ;   10. 28314831___10 - MS01001289 ;   11. 28314831___11 - MS01001290 ;   12. 28314831___12 - MS01001291 ;   13. 28314831___13 - MS01001292 ;   14. 28314831___14 - MS01001293 ;   15. 28314831___15 - MS01001294 ;   16. 28314831___16 - MS01001295 ;   17. 28314831___17 - MS01001296 ;   18. 28314831___18 - MS01001297 ;   19. 28314831___19 - MS01001298 ;   20. 28314831___20 - MS01001300 ;   21. 28314831___21 - MS01001301 ;   22. 28314831___22 - MS01001302 ;   23. 28314831___23 - MS01001303 ;   24. 28314831___24 - MS01001304 ;   25. 28314831___25 - MS01001305 ;   26. 28314831___26 - MS01001306 ;   27. 28314831___27 - MS01001307 

Potential LHON Pseudo Cases:
   1. 28081242___QT1470 - MS01001348 ;   2. 28081242___QT1470M - MS01001349 ;   3. 28081242___Le2424 - MS01001327 ;   4. 28081242___LE2424M - MS01001315 ;   5. 28081242___QT1325 - MS01001347 ;   6. 28081242___Le2643 - MS01001333 ;   7. 28081242___Le2174 - MS01001320 ;   8. 28081242___QT1319 - MS01001346 ;   9. 28081242___Le2458 - MS01001328 ;   10. 28081242___Le2973 - MS01001340 ;   11. 28081242___LE2974 - MS01001318 ;   12. 28081242___QT1752 - MS01001351 ;   13. 28081242___QT1657 - MS01001350 ;   14. 28081242___LE2799 - MS01001316 ;   15. 28081242___Le2934 - MS01001338 ;   16. 28081242___Le2532 - MS01001331 ;   17. 28081242___LE2904 - MS01001317 ;   18. 28081242___Le2519 - MS01001329 ;   19. 28081242___Le2519F - MS01001330 ;   20. 28081242___Le2198 - MS01001321 ;   21. 28081242___Le2198M - MS01001322 ;   22. 28081242___Le2198S - MS01001323 ;   23. 28081242___QT1292 - MS01001343 ;   24. 28081242___QT1292M - MS01001345 ;   25. 28081242___QT1292G - MS01001344 ;   26. 28081242___Le2726 - MS01001335 ;   27. 28081242___Le2379 - MS01001325 ;   28. 28081242___Le2883 - MS01001337 ;   29. 28081242___Le2779 - MS01001336 ;   30. 28081242___Le2411 - MS01001326 ;   31. 28081242___Le2637 - MS01001332 ;   32. 28081242___Le2217 - MS01001324 ;   33. 28081242___Le2661 - MS01001334 ;   34. 28081242___Le2961 - MS01001339 ;   35. 28081242___QT1063 - MS01001341 ;   36. 28081242___QT1063M - MS01001342 ;   37. 28081242___Le2103 - MS01001319