Hearing Loss Disease Portal

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Most Common: Hearing Loss (D034381), Deafness (D003638), Sensorineural HL (D006319), Waardenburg Syndrome, Usher Syndromes
Disease Browser
Parent Node:
Brain Diseases, Metabolic, Inborn (D020739)
Parent Node:
Mitochondrial Diseases (D028361)
Parent Node:
Pyruvate Metabolism, Inborn Errors (D015323)
..Starting node
Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency Disease (D015324)

       Child Nodes:
........expandLeigh necrotizing encephalopathy due to pyruvate carboxylase deficiency (C536255)

 Sister Nodes: 
..expandLeigh Disease (D007888) Child12
..expandPyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency Disease (D015324) Child1
..expandPyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency Disease (D015325) Child4
..expandPyruvate Kinase Deficiency of Red Cells (C564858)

Human Disease MESH is developed by UMLS.
Further data from MedGen, OMIM, CTD
Could not execute query 3
SELECT DISTINCT t2.disease_id, t2.disease_title, t.id AS HPO_ID1, t.acc as HPO_ID, t.name as HPO_Name , t5.frequency_modifier , o.comment AS Onset_name FROM hpo.external_object_disease AS t2, hpo.annotation AS t5 LEFT JOIN hpo.term AS t ON t.id = t5.term_id LEFT JOIN hpo.annotation_onset_modifier AS o ON o.annotation_id =t5.annotation_id WHERE t2.disease_id = '266150' AND t2.db_name='OMIM' AND t5.external_object_disease_id = t2.external_object_id ORDER BY HPO_Name like '%Auto%' DESC, HPO_Name like '%linked%' DESC, HPO_Name like '%onset%' DESC, HPO_Name, disease_title, t.name;
Term ID:9544
Name:Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency Disease
Definition:An autosomal recessive metabolic disorder caused by absent or decreased PYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE activity, the enzyme that regulates gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis, and neurotransmitter synthesis. Clinical manifestations include lactic acidosis, seizures, respiratory distress, marked psychomotor delay, periodic HYPOGLYCEMIA, and hypotonia. The clinical course may be similar to LEIGH DISEASE. (From Am J Hum Genet 1998 Jun;62(6):1312-9)
Alternative IDs:OMIM:266150
TreeNumbers:C10. |C16.320.565.189.725 |C16.320.565.202.810.666 |C18.452.132.100.725 |C18.452.648.189.725 |C18.452.648.202.810.666 |C18.452.660.705
Synonyms:Ataxia with Lactic Acidosis 2 |Ataxia with Lactic Acidosis II |Ataxia with Lactic Acidosis, Type II |Deficiency Disease, Pyruvate Carboxylase |Deficiency, Pyruvate Carboxylase |Lactic Acidosis with Ataxia, Type II |LEIGH NECROTIZING ENCEPHALOPATHY DUE TO PYRUV
Slim Mappings:Genetic disease (inborn)|Metabolic disease|Nervous system disease
Reference: MedGen: D015324
MeSH: D015324
OMIM: 266150;
