Human Phenotype Ontology 
Grandparent Node:
Abnormal nervous system morphology (HP:0012639)help
Parent Node:
Morphological central nervous system abnormality (HP:0002011)help
..Starting node
Alzheimer disease (HP:0002511)help
Term ID: 2511
Name: Alzheimer disease
Synonym: Alzheimer disease; Late-onset form of familial Alzheimer disease
Definition: A degenerative disease of the brain characterized by the insidious onset of dementia. Impairment of memory, judgment, attention span, and problem solving skills are followed by severe apraxia and a global loss of cognitive abilities. The condition primarily occurs after age 60, and is marked pathologically by severe cortical atrophy and the triad of senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and neuropil threads.
Reference: HP:0002511
Genes and Diseases:
       Child Nodes:

 Sister Nodes: 
..expandAbnormal CNS myelination (HP:0011400) help
..expandAbnormal glial cell morphology (HP:0100705) help
..expandAbnormal meningeal morphology (HP:0010651) help
..expandAbnormal neural tube morphology (HP:0410043) help
..expandAbnormal subarachnoid space morphology (HP:0012703) help
..expandAbnormality of brain morphology (HP:0012443) help
..expandAbnormality of neuronal migration (HP:0002269) help
..expandAbnormality of the cerebrospinal fluid (HP:0002921) help
..expandAbnormality of the spinal cord (HP:0002143) help
..expandAplasia/Hypoplasia involving the central nervous system (HP:0002977) help
..expandAtrophy/Degeneration affecting the central nervous system (HP:0007367) help
..expandCentral nervous system cyst (HP:0030724) help
..expandEncephalocele (HP:0002084) help
..expandMorphological abnormality of the pyramidal tract (HP:0002062) help
..expandNeoplasm of the central nervous system (HP:0100006) help
..expandUnusual CNS infection (HP:0011450) help
InputHPO IDHPO termDistanceGeneGene id entrezDiseaseIdDiseaseNameDiseaseMIMConceptIDSourceTypical associationHGMD variantsClinVar variantsHGNC IDGeneMIM
HPO disease - gene - phenotype typical associations:
HP:0002511HP:0002511Alzheimer disease0APOE CL E G H348104310Alzheimer disease 2104310C1863051OMIM1166613107741
HP:0002511HP:0002511Alzheimer disease0APOE CL E G H348606889Alzheimer disease, type 4606889C1847200OMIM1166613107741
HP:0002511HP:0002511Alzheimer disease0APP CL E G H351104300Alzheimer's disease104300C0002395OMIM1506620104760
HP:0002511HP:0002511Alzheimer disease0GATA1 CL E G H2623190685Complete trisomy 21 syndrome190685C0013080OMIM14134170305371
HP:0002511HP:0002511Alzheimer disease0PSEN1 CL E G H5663607822Alzheimer disease, type 3607822C1843013OMIM15019508104311
HP:0002511HP:0002511Alzheimer disease0PSEN2 CL E G H5664606889Alzheimer disease, type 4606889C1847200OMIM12799509600759
HPO disease - gene - phenotype less frequent non-typical associations:
HP:0002511HP:0002511Alzheimer disease0CACNA1G CL E G H8913458803ORPHA08221394604065


Diseases (6) :104310 606889 104300 458803 190685 607822

Human Phenotype Ontology(HPO) is developed by the Human Phenotype Ontology Consortium. The version used here is August 2021 release.