Human Phenotype Ontology 
..Starting node
Squawks (HP:0031995)help
Term ID: 31995
Name: Squawks
Definition: Squawks are short inspiratory wheezes of less than 200 ms duration and are also known as squeaks. Acoustic analysis shows the fundamental frequency varying between 200 and 300 Hz. Squawks usually occur in late inspiration and are often preceded by late inspiratory crackles.
Reference: HP:0031995
Genes and Diseases:
       Child Nodes:

 Sister Nodes: 
InputHPO IDHPO termDistanceGeneGene id entrezHGNC IDDiseaseIdDiseaseNameFrequencyOnsetHGMD variantsClinVar variants
HPO disease - gene - phenotype typical associations:
HPO disease - gene - phenotype less frequent non-typical associations:
HP:0031995HP:0031995Squawks0 CL E G H

Genes (0) :

Diseases (0) :

Human Phenotype Ontology(HPO) is developed by the Human Phenotype Ontology Consortium. The version used here is December 15 2022 release.