Human Phenotype Ontology 
Grandparent Node:
Abnormality of facial soft tissue (HP:0011799)help
Grandparent Node:
Abnormality of the musculature (HP:0003011)help
Parent Node:
Abnormality of facial musculature (HP:0000301)help
..Starting node
Abnormality of muscle of facial expression (HP:0430019)help
Term ID: 430019
Name: Abnormality of muscle of facial expression
Synonym: Abnormality of muscle of facial expression; Abnormality of musculature of facial expression
Definition: An abnormality of any of the muscles of facial expression, which are innervated by the seventh (VII) cranial nerve and control facial expression.
Reference: HP:0430019
Genes and Diseases:
       Child Nodes:
........expandAbnormality of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle (HP:0430020) help
........expandAbnormality of mentalis muscle (HP:3000007) help
........expandAbnormality of orbicularis oris muscle (HP:3000010) help
........expandAbnormality of risorius muscle (HP:3000015) help
........expandAbnormality of zygomaticus major muscle (HP:3000018) help
........expandAbnormality of zygomaticus minor muscle (HP:3000020) help
........expandAbnormality of depressor anguli oris muscle (HP:3000028) help
........expandAbnormality of depressor labii inferioris (HP:3000029) help
........expandAbnormality of levator anguli oris (HP:3000070) help
........expandAbnormality of levator labii superioris (HP:3000071) help

 Sister Nodes: 
..expandAbnormal platysma muscle morphology (HP:3000013) help
..expandAbnormality of jaw muscles (HP:0045037) help
..expandAbnormality of mylohyoid muscle (HP:3000008) help
..expandAbnormality of nasal musculature (HP:0430018) help
..expandFacial hypotonia (HP:0000297) help
..expandFacial muscle hypertrophy (HP:0012892) help
..expandFacial myokymia (HP:0000317) help
..expandHypomimic face (HP:0000338) help
..expandHypoplasia of facial musculature (HP:0004660) help
..expandSpasticity of facial muscles (HP:0002491) help
..expandWeakness of facial musculature (HP:0030319) help

Genes (2) :GIPC1 NOTCH2NLC

Diseases (1) :ORPHA:98897

Human Phenotype Ontology(HPO) is developed by the Human Phenotype Ontology Consortium. The version used here is December 15 2022 release.