Human Phenotype Ontology 
Grandparent Node:
Abnormality of the face (HP:0000271)help
Parent Node:
Abnormality of the periorbital region (HP:0000606)help
..Starting node
Orbital cyst (HP:0001144)help
Term ID: 1144
Name: Orbital cyst
Synonym: Cyst of eye socket; Orbital cysts
Definition: Presence of a cyst in the region of the periorbital tissues. Orbital cysts can be derived from epithelial or glandular tissue within or surrounding the orbit (lacrimal glands, salivary glands, conjunctival, oral, nasal, or sinus epithelium).
Reference: HP:0001144
Genes and Diseases:
       Child Nodes:
........expandPeriorbital dermoid cyst (HP:0030668) help

 Sister Nodes: 
..expandAbnormal eyebrow morphology (HP:0000534) help
..expandAbnormal morphology of bony orbit of skull (HP:3000030) help
..expandAbnormality of the supraorbital ridges (HP:0100538) help
..expandBitemporal forceps marks (HP:0011336) help
..expandBitemporal hollowing (HP:0025386) help
..expandInfra-orbital crease (HP:0100876) help
..expandInfra-orbital fold (HP:0011232) help
..expandPeriorbital ecchymosis with tarsal plate sparing (HP:0025553) help
..expandPeriorbital edema (HP:0100539) help
..expandPeriorbital fullness (HP:0000629) help
..expandPeriorbital hyperpigmentation (HP:0001106) help
..expandPeriorbital purpura (HP:0025552) help
..expandPeriorbital wrinkles (HP:0000607) help
InputHPO IDHPO termDistanceGeneGene id entrezHGNC IDDiseaseIdDiseaseNameFrequencyOnsetHGMD variantsClinVar variants
HPO disease - gene - phenotype typical associations:
HPO disease - gene - phenotype less frequent non-typical associations:
HP:0001144HP:0001144Orbital cyst0BMP4 CL E G H6521071OMIM:607932Microphthalmia, syndromic 638
HP:0001144HP:0001144Orbital cyst0PAX1 CL E G H50758615OMIM:615560Otofaciocervical syndrome 23
HP:0001144HP:0001144Orbital cyst0PAX2 CL E G H50768616OMIM:120330Papillorenal syndrome.39
HP:0001144HP:0001144Orbital cyst0PTCH1 CL E G H57279585OMIM:109400Basal cell nevus syndrome665
HP:0001144HP:0001144Orbital cyst0PTCH2 CL E G H86439586OMIM:109400Basal cell nevus syndrome40
HP:0001144HP:0001144Orbital cyst0SUFU CL E G H5168416466OMIM:109400Basal cell nevus syndrome124
HP:0001144HP:0030668Periorbital dermoid cyst1PAX1 CL E G H50758615OMIM:615560Otofaciocervical syndrome 23


Diseases (4) :OMIM:607932 OMIM:615560 OMIM:120330 OMIM:109400

Human Phenotype Ontology(HPO) is developed by the Human Phenotype Ontology Consortium. The version used here is December 15 2022 release.