Disease Browser
Parent Node:
Corneal Dystrophies, Hereditary (D003317) | Parent Node:
Keratoderma, Palmoplantar (D007645) | Parent Node:
Lower Extremity Deformities, Congenital (D038061) | ..Starting node .. Corneodermatoosseous syndrome (C536444)
| Child Nodes:
Sister Nodes: | .. Corneodermatoosseous syndrome (C536444)
| .. Ectrodactyly cardiopathy dysmorphism (C536187)
| .. Ectrodactyly of Lower Limbs, Congenital Heart Defect, and Micrognathia (C563344)
| .. Familial streblodactyly (C536852)
| .. Foot Deformities, Congenital (D005532) 78
| .. Holt-Oram syndrome (C535326)
| .. Merlob Grunebaum Reisner syndrome (C537461)
| .. Nasodigitoacoustic syndrome (C538337)
| .. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome (C562509)
| .. Tibia, Bowing of, with Pseudarthrosis and Pectus Excavatum (C563787)
Human Disease MESH is developed by UMLS. Further data from MedGen, OMIM,ClinVar, CTD
Term ID: | 3048 |
Name: | Corneodermatoosseous syndrome |
Definition: | |
Alternative IDs: | |
ParentIDs: | MESH:D003317|MESH:D007645|MESH:D038061 |
TreeNumbers: | C05.660.585.512/C536444 |C11.204.236/C536444 |C11.270.162/C536444 |C16.131.621.585.512/C536444 |C16.320.290.162/C536444 |C16.320.850.475/C536444 |C17.800.428.435/C536444 |C17.800.827.475/C536444 |
Synonyms: | CDO syndrome |Corneal dystrophy epithelial and short stature |Corneal dystrophy, epithelial, with skin and skeletal changes |
Slim Mappings: | Congenital abnormality|Eye disease|Genetic disease (inborn)|Musculoskeletal disease|Skin disease |
Reference: |
MedGen: C536444
MeSH: C536444
OMIM: MSeqDR : Genes: | Phenotypes | | Disease Causing ClinVar Variants | | MSeqDR Portal | |