View genomic variant #0000001348

Chromosome M
Allele Unknown
Affects function (as reported) Affects function
Affects function (by curator) Affects function
Type subst
DNA change (genomic) (Relative to hg19 / GRCh37) m.3697G>A
Published as -
GERP 4.530
Segregation -
DB-ID chrM_000100 See all 4 reported entries
MSCV MSCV_0001348
dbSNP ID rs199476122
Frequency -
Sources ; clinVar; Mitomap; Ensembl;
Reference 17562939;15466014;20301353
Variant remarks -
Genetic origin -
Variant_disease -
Average frequency (large NGS studies) Variant not found in online data sets
Owner LOVD

Variant on transcripts

1 entry on 1 page. Showing entry 1.


Transcript ID     


Variant ID     

Affects function     



DNA change (cDNA)     



GVS function     

Splice distance     

MT-ND1 00001321 MT-ND1-201 0000001348 +/+ - . c.391G>A p.G131S - - - -

ClinVar @ MSeqDR

RCVaccession RCV000010385; RCV000010386; RCV000056168; RCV002221474; RCV003298030;
Chromosome M:3697..3697
ClinVar Allele ID 24772
Disease database name and identifier MONDO:MONDO:0044970, MeSH:D028361, MedGen:C0751651, Orphanet:68380|Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001086, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001112, MONDO:MONDO:0010788, MedGen:C0917796, OMIM:535000, Orphanet:104|MONDO:MONDO:0010772, MedGen:C1839040, OMIM:500001, Orphanet:99718|MONDO:MONDO:0010789, MedGen:C0162671, OMIM:540000, Orphanet:550|Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002076, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0007194, MONDO:MONDO:0005277, MedGen:C0149931|Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002376, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002471, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002489, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0006797, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0006828, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0006854, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0007037, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0007242, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0007247, MedGen:C1836830|Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002119, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002447, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0005691, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0007071, MedGen:C3278923|Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001576, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001577, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0006973, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0007018, MONDO:MONDO:0007743, MedGen:C1263846|Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001332, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002328, MONDO:MONDO:0003441, MedGen:C0013421|Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001276, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002388, MedGen:C0026826|Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001250, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001275, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0001303, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002125, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002182, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002279, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002306, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002348, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002391, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002417, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002430, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002431, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002432, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002434, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002437, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002466, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002479, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0002794, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0006997, Human Phenotype Ontology:HP:0010520, MedGen:C0036572
ClinVar preferred disease name Mitochondrial disease|Leber optic atrophy|Leber optic atrophy and dystonia|Juvenile myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis AND stroke|Migraine|Developmental regression|Ventriculomegaly|Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder|Dystonic disorder|Hypertonia|Seizure
HGVS variant names NC 012920.1:m.3697G>A
ClinVar review status reviewed by expert panel
Clinical Significance Likely pathogenic
Variant type single nucleotide variant
Sequence Ontology for variant type SO:0001483
Variant clinical sources reported ClinGen:CA120647|Genetic Testing Registry (GTR):GTR000591967|Genetic Testing Registry (GTR):GTR000591975|Genetic Testing Registry (GTR):GTR000591976|OMIM:516000.0012
Gene symbol:Gene id. MT-ND1:4535
Allele origin
dbSNP ID 199476122
Variant Flags

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Mitomap Mitochondrial Variant Phenotype Information:


Ensembl Variant Phenotype Information:
