A global effort, 100+ mitochondrial disease experts.
Securely collects and shares data for rare diseases, patients and causative mutations. Tools designed for mitochondrial diseases and mtDNA mutations. Choose a Tool to Analyze Your Data: I have single gene, variant, region, disease, phenotype I have variants or genes I have VCF from WES or WGS, and clinical data I have raw sequence data Genomic Search Disease: OMIM Disease: HPO Gene MT-ND1, POLG, Variant: m.8993T>G 1:g.10042757T>C MSCV_0000006 rs3888511 , ClinVar: RCV000000015, Region: M:1-1000 Disease: Leigh syndrome, Phenotype: Retinopathy Variant Annotation: mvTool (mtDNA)***OneStopVariant (mtDNA+ nuc. DNA) Haplogroup: Phy-Mer, MitoMaster Gene Annotation: Panel Examiner & Universal ID Mapper Quick-Mitome Interpretation with Exomiser and HPO HPO Mapping from Clinical Text Disease Browser, HPO Browser Fastq, Fasta, BAM: Haplogroup: Phy-Mer, MToolBox, MitoMaster Variant Calling & Annotation: MToolBox, MitoMaster Choose a Tool to Browse MSeqDR Data: LSDB: Mutations & Diseases Genes View Add Mitochondrial Disease Add Genomic Variants Add LSDB Statistics Diseases: 284 , Variants: 28680/26471 , Genes: 1628 , mtDNA Tracks: 22 Advanced Users Data Disease Browser (Leigh, LHON, CPEO, MELAS, Myopathy ...) HPO Phenotype Browser Haplogroups: PhyloTree & mvTool Expression Data: Awsomics GeEx Patients & Subjects Visualization MSeqDR GBrowse (Retired) MitoGenome Diagram with both HGNC and classical gene names: pdf tiff Collaboration Teams MSeqDR mtDNA Expert Panel U24 for Leigh Disease MSeqDR Phenotype CDE Scientific and Medical Advisory Board (SMAB) of UMDF MSeqDR Demo Account: User: UMDF15 , Password: Mito15 MSeqDr Expert Panel for mitochondrial diseases and pathogenic variants. Physician Registry Harmonization with HPO-based CDE from 5 Countries (Summary by HPO term)
Tools designed for mitochondrial diseases and mtDNA mutations.
MSeqDR Demo Account: User: UMDF15 , Password: Mito15
MSeqDr Expert Panel for mitochondrial diseases and pathogenic variants.
Physician Registry Harmonization with HPO-based CDE from 5 Countries (Summary by HPO term)
MSeqDR is developed by MSeqDR Consortium and hosted by the CHLA Copyright 2013-2025 The MSeqDR Consortium All rights reserved
Feedback about the webpages , or email to MSeqDR webmaster: Lishuang Shen